The Official Point-to-Point Website for the Wessex Area




Group: Course Awards
Course: 499
Brief Biography

The Maundrell family had been prominent in the local P-t-P scene since before WW2. Godfrey's rather distant relation, David Maundrell, himself the son of a winning rider and successful breeder - rode numerous winners particularly at Larkhill, and is remembered by the Cup presented for the Larkhill Racing Club Mens Open. David died tragically young but Godfrey stepped very successfully into the void.

Godfrey Maundrell (1948-2018), who farmed at Ogbourne, north of Marlborough, comfortably outstripped those predecessors. After rather a late debut ride on Elektrik II (see the eponymous Award), he rode the first of 150 P-t-P winners on Lafitte in the Wilton Open in 1973, and his remarkable career was nearly 40 years through when he rode Lisadell King to victory in three hunter chases in 2010 (making a total of eight wins under Rules). He also won four P-t-P races that year including his first hat-trick - and trained them all – as with most of his horses. His last winner - at the age of 62 - was Spiders Nephew, appropriately at the Larkhill Racing Club meeting – an organisation of which he was a long-standing official.

But the figures cannot not tell the whole story. At the age of 47 his riding was curtailed when he was diagnosed with cancer. But not for long - after less than a year he was back to win on Templerainey at his local Tedworth meeting – and gain the ‘Ride of the Day’ award – for fortitude as much as skill. “Godders” characteristic laugh would have echoed round Barbury Castle that day as it did so often at Larkhill – and it probably still does.



A Cup, first awarded by Mrs Angie Maundrell in 2019 in memory of her late husband, for the Most Successful Veteran Rider at Larkhill in the current season

For the purposes of this Award, Veteran means eldest.

Points can be scored only in races run at Larkhill

If a rider's birthday occurs during the current season, the higher age will be retrospectively applied to all their earlier rides

In the case of a tie the Cup will be awarded to the eldest of the tied scorers.

The awards to the winner will normally be made at the Larkhill Awards Lunch.


Mens, Ladies and Mixed Opens:10 pts for 1st, 5 pts for 2nd and 3 pts for 3rd

All other Races: 7 pts for 1st, 5 pts for 2nd and 3 pts for 3rd

In the case of a dead heat, the points for the particular position shall be added to that of the next position and divided equally between those involved

Past Winners

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Next Event

Area Awards Dinner and Dance

Saturday 6th July

Tickets via the Blue Button below