The Official Point-to-Point Website for the Wessex Area

Message from Larkhill

28-December-2020 19:58
in General
by Admin

We have received 193 entries for the LRC meeting  on Sun 3rd Jan, which is great news.  We have already divided 1 race, making a total of  8 and we expect to divide a further 2.  Therefore, to allow us enough light for probably 10 races in all, the 1st race start time is now 10.00am. 

Please allow plenty of time to come through the entrance protocols.

Layout will be as before with both Green and Amber zones.  Masks on all day with no exceptions and lots of social distancing please.

May I please remind you that you must pre-register to attend this meetingg (See below for further information regarding Tiers)by no later than midday on Friday 1st Jan 2021 via:

Fortunately for Wiltshire we are a Tier 2 Zone (long may it remain so) and as such we are bound by PPA’s strict attendance restrictions.  Exceptions are only allowed with permission from the meeting secretary.  As a reminder the details  of the England Tier system are set out below.

Current Tier System Reminder as at 28 Dec 2020 for Point-to-Points going forward

As the current Covid-19 restrictions have come into force please find below notes regarding movements and restrictions, as applicable:

Tier 1. 

May run a point to point with paying spectators if agreed by Local Authority. Those living in Tier 1 and 2 may attend in any capacity but latter should not stop en-route. Only Trainers and Jockeys may attend from Tier 3 areas. No-one, including horses, in Tier 4 may attend.

Tier 2. 

May run a point to point with paying spectators if agreed by Local Authority. Those living in Tier 1 and 2 may attend in any capacity. Only Trainers and Jockeys may attend from Tier 3 areas. No-one, including horses, in Tier 4 may attend.

Tier 3. 

May run a point to point but only have a green zone (ie no owners or spectators and all those attending should have a job to do). Only Trainers and Jockeys may attend from Tier 1, 2 and 3 areas, and may not stop en-route. No-one, including horses, in Tier 4 may attend.

Tier 4. 

May not run a meeting.

Whilst this is the point to point position as a sport, and must not be broken, it is for you to take personal responsibility for interpreting more stringent government directives whether at UK, national or local levels. This is an exceptionally fluid situation, and we all need to be able and willing to react accordingly. Please keep checking point to point website for further updates.

Which areas are now in Tier 4?

The areas of England that were initially put into tier 4 were:

  • London
  • Kent
  • Buckinghamshire
  • Berkshire
  • Surrey (excluding Waverley)
  • Gosport, Havant, Portsmouth, Rother and Hastings
  • Bedford
  • Central Bedfordshire
  • Milton Keynes
  • Luton
  • Peterborough
  • Hertfordshire
  • Essex (excluding Colchester, Uttlesford and Tendring).

The following areas entered the highest tier of restrictions at 00.01 on Boxing Day, Saturday 26 December:

  • Sussex
  • Oxfordshire
  • Suffolk
  • Norfolk
  • Cambridgeshire
  • Those parts of Essex not yet in tier four
  • Waverley in Surrey
  • Hampshire – including Portsmouth and Southampton but with the exception of the New Forest

We look forward to seeing you all early on Sun 3 Jan 2021 and a great day's racing.

Happy New Year.


The Larkhill Team

Next Fixture

Combined Services Sunday 16th February


First Race time 12.45 (Kings Troop Race 12.00)

Advance tickets via the Blue Button below