The Official Point-to-Point Website for the Wessex Area

The Axe Vale Point to Point - An illustrated history (an early Christmas present)

08-November-2020 15:53
in General
by Admin

POINT-TO-POINT enthusiasts, especially from the West Country, are promised an enjoyable read in this delightful new book by Jacquie McCullough with contributions from Granville Taylor.

The history of the Axe Vale point-to-point, from the first meeting on 24th April 1947, is thoughtfully covered, illustrated by more than 200 colour and black and white photographs, mostly previously unpublished.

From 1947, Axe Vale meetings took place on undulating farm land “across the road” (A 3052).  The move to the present course at Stafford Cross took place in 1965. The writer weaves interesting stories in chronological order throughout each decade from that first fixture.

  As intimated in the foreword by Ross Wilmington, MFH, Axe Vale Point-to-Point Chairman, “I am confident that this book will take a treasured place in very many homes and makes a fine tribute to all the individuals involved with the meeting since its inception back in 1947.”

All profits from the sales of the book will go to the Axe Vale Hunt point-to-point.

This privately published book at a cost of £19.99 plus £2.20 p & p has a limited print run, so early ordering is recommended. Copies can be ordered by sending an email to when BACS details will be provided.

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